
Movie Review


Burlesque is a 2010 backstage musical film written and directed by Steve Antic Christina Aguilera is the main actress in this film basically she is a young girl who loves dancing and singing. In this film you can figured out that when you want something in your life you can do whatever you want because this girl arrived there (los Angeles) without anything into her hands and she found a bar where her world changed completely there he could make her dreams true and all the time was enthusiastic about her capabilities even if it was hard to show it at beginning.

Christina found on her way a lot of problems, apart to the money she found the envy by one of her coworkers and she always knew how get out of those kind of situations so that’s why I decided to write about this film because I think everybody have had problems according with the dreams that everyone want make true. Nothing is impossible to do only unable people to go ahead with every single plan in a future.

When you try and try to make everything in your life hoping always the best result and you never think to give up you are that kind of person who will reach everything in the life in conclusion nothing is so difficult or so hard for the people who really believe that are able to achieve dreams.

BY: Yaneth Rosero

Gangster Squad

Gangster Squad is an American movie filmed in 2013, it tells the story about a cop who is the creator of a group to fight the Mickey Cohens mafia in the United States west.
John O’Mara is the leader of this group, it is integrated by six of the hardest cops in all Los Angeles.
In this film happen things like loved ones deaths, shooting and the classic story about the pretty girl who is the bad man’s girlfriend, but, she is in loved with a cop of the gangster squad.
This movie haves many interesting things, it is a story about cops, corruption bullets and women.

For me, this is one of the best American films in the last five years, it is very interesting, the movie tells the story in the 50th on Los Angeles-California, it tells us the way of live in that times.

By: Duvan Sora

If I Stay

he story follows one day in the life of seventeen-year-old Mia, who has been critically injured in an accident that took the lives of her parents and younger brother. As Mia has an out-of-body experience that enables her to observe all that is happening around her, she reflects on her. She is faced with the decision of whether she wants to fight to live or let go.

When the novel opens, an inch of snow has fallen overnight. Schools in Mia's Oregon hometown are closed for the day. Mia, her father (who is a middle school English teacher), and her younger brother Teddy are home for the day. Her mother takes the day off from work, and the family sets out on a day trip. Mia, a serious cellist and classical music lover, is blissfully listening to a sonata when a truck hits the family's car, killing her parents immediately and seriously injuring Mia and Teddy. Immediately following the accident, she is unconscious from a traumatic head injury, Mia begins having an out-of-body experience through which she is able to observe herself and everything around her without feeling pain. Initially, she believes that she is dead.
Mia and Teddy are rushed to a local hospital. Then, Mia is flown to a trauma center in nearby Portland, where she undergoes surgery and is placed in the Intensive Care Unit. Her grandparents and other relatives arrive, as well as her best friend Kim. Eventually, Adam, her boyfriend, drops in to see her.
As the hours pass, Mia goes back and forth between observing what is happening around her and reflecting on her life up to this point. Her memories include being present at the birth of her brother, her father's transformation from a hard rocker to a teacher, her friendship with Kim, her love for music and the cello, her ambitions to become a great cellist, and falling in love with Adam. Mia hears a nurse say that the young girl's life is not in the hands of the doctors or the machines. It is Mia herself who is in control of whether she lives or dies. Mia begins to consider what her life would be like if she stays.

Eventually, she determines that although having her die will hurt those who love her, they will recover. It is too difficult to think about living in a world where she has suffered so much loss. However, before she can let go, Adam arrives and puts headphones over her ears, allowing her to hear a piece of music by her favorite cellist, Yo Yo Ma, whose concert they attended on their first date. This causes Mia to think about not only what she has lost, but also about what might still be ahead of her. She summons all of her strength to squeeze Adam's hand, signalling her choice to live.

For me , it is a great story , because this film reflects aspects of real life , we have goals and dreams  wich have to fight every day , however the way to get them is not easy, and we sometimes find situations in wich we don´t know that to do , it seems that all problems come up and only we can get out of and continue. It is in our hands  the decision to continue . 
By Milena Gonzalez

Charlie St. Cloud

Charlie is a young man tormented by the suddeb death of Sam, his beloved younger brother. To relieve her grief, Charlie accepts to work concierge in the cementery where Saam is buried. In the evenings he has mystical encounters with him, Sam appears to him, talks, laughs and plays until the sun rises over the horizon. But one day, a girl gets in the life of Charlie and deviates his attention. Then the boy will have to choose between her love for her or keep the promise he made to Sam.

It's an exc

ellent film, I liked a lot we are reminded that life is precious and no moment should be wasted, because at any time our life, anything can happen.

Paola Fonseca   


It is a movie of comedy, romantic that tells the story of a plastic surge on called Dani.
Dani knows a Young girl, Palmer a primary school teacher of the that falls in love and after of having sex, she discovers the game he play with all the girls.
Dani decides to tell her thaht they wil divorce, Palmer wants to meet to the future ex wife.
Dani asks to his assitant katherinne that feight to be his wife for to cover all his lie, Katherinne accepts and they begin all the procces.
According to Danni and Katherinne try to keep the farce, it becomes more big until  the  children of Katherinne   found the way of manipulate to Danni with the lie for their benefit.
Not knowing how all made a travel to Hawaii, when  their lives change.
Danni and Katherine fall in love!

This movie is very interesting and it is Fanny really nice and is a of the better

Lourdes Franco Gomez


Yessica Yulisa Damian Herrera

       THE HUNGER GAMES                        ‘’SINSAJO’’
Many years ago existed a land called North America, a city made up of thirteen districts surrounding the Capitol, center of the contry. The thirteen districts rebelled against the Capitol, al districts were defeated in the heat of battle. Created the hunger games, a cruel game of survival, A boy and a girl from each district are selected to participate in the games. The goa lis simpe to figh  to death between them, ony one of the twenty four can win.
The protagonist of the film is Katniss Everdeen, a girl that every day, she fights outside the limitsv allowed by the capitol to feed his mother and sister. When she feels anguish, but still struggle to survive in that deadly game.

I think it's a movie where reality comes, the reality of all the hurt, pain and destruction caused by a world dominated and dictated by the Capitol. It is no longer an annual game, it's not propaganda, fun and easy to districts domaje. This saga set aside the result of the games to focus on a shadowy plot, pain and despair that leads to the revolution of the districts action. Now is a war, a war that aims to win the Capitol but the fury of the districts is such that fighting for freedom thereof, the protagonist urges fight to end it now or never the Capitol. At all times it feels the pain of Katniss by the internal battle between being Sinsajo or save Josh.
                                                                                 Resultado de imagen para opiniones de la pelicula los juegos del hambre sinsajo

By: Leidy Stephanie Estrada Vera


This film is about a boy very very famous , he believes that every the people around that be beautiful and If not they can not are with her , he dare to an a witch because he said that with his aspect was horrible and he was very very coarse, she decided to make an enchantment and this was that change her face and he had to find to someone that for the return to be as it was before for this he had one year and litle by little he came out with an girl and so everything he should share many things with this girl fall in love and love her heart and he understood that the people that the people should want how they are with his appereance and he believed in the lovethe thought that by challenging a witch would happen nothing and beauty wasSupreme and not you happen this situation.


this film is very good because the history has things of the real life and sometimes we find people so the history make us reflect on that must not discriminate against others by his physical appereance.

my score is

by: leidy veloza

30 going on 30

Jenna rink was a teenage when she met a young man there was her birthday and in her house there was  a celebration with her he confessed his love he gift a house for her and she not accepted this and she dream to be older and the next day she woke up like a fortunate woman, now she worked in a magazine as a editor, the people  are very busy and she was worried about the situation in her life the changes  she mades her undecided about the   situation of her course she wants to  reunited with her prom and she wants to talk with matt and she found him  she start to go out with him, one day she heard  about is wedding and then she leave to annoy matt  and she had to look for her  friend her wife but she called him to do a photos for a prom for the cover, when she left he go to her office and she wasn’t the wedding was near, a friend of them was  here and she stole the photos to bring to the competence Jenna was so sad because her friend  stole her idea and now worked in her  job. the day of the wedding she went to his house and she found him and declare her love but was too late and he decided to gift when she wanted to come back when she was 13 years she breath and she was the women who he was married like in a fairytale they live in their dream house all come in the truth and the acts.

Erika Arango

Fiercely movie

It shows us a girl named Riley , the idea of movie is show as it grows Riley And curiosity of creator of the movie show as seen in the mentaliy of Riley and begins When really was a baby there are 5 feeling very important that help Riley for to grow these feelings are:

Joy of yellow, disgust that is green, fear is of colours purple, sadness of the colors Blue and Furious that is colour red .

They all make part of Riley Life have been loved by parents, Have good Friends and in fact enjoys a full Life She is at age 11, she and her family Moved to San Francisco.

The motion that Live inside head, they have nervous break down in the system of the operations, Which is the Riley mind Sadness begins to Catch the Memories of the Riley and changes Memories.

Riley Suffers for emotions and collapse words When emotions saved important Memories.

Riley take a bus to escape from current situation, the felling do everything to that Riley regrets to home .

by : fernanda jimenez

American movie Marley and Me

It is a drama film which tells the story of a journalist named John Grogan and his wife Jenny, who move to West Palm Beach Florida to form home, but John does not want to be a father so young and gives her a Labrador dog to his wife. The dog was acting like a baby doing evil in the house. The family was large Grogan birth children and give the dog because they thought were going through a bad economic times.

John meditated on it and decide not to give it away but he asked a friend to look father him for a while, later the family had economic stability and again brought home Marley. When Marley is adult and children are great despaperse him on a rainy night because he felt sick but Hon found under a tree and takes it the house.

They were anxious about Marley did not change the mood and decide to take him to the vet. The diagnosis was grim; the veterinarian recommended that the best thing for him is death.

John asks the vet to some kittens to dismiss the Grogan family, after this the veterinarian applies to Marley lethal injection.

Basically because this film leaves us as teaching that we can never replace a dog because Every dog is a different story and can never replace them. We can make new friends and stories but all are unique to us and us to them, moreover also find in them an unconditional friend who is always at our side although sometimes make us have headaches because of the way they act to various stimuli.

Erika Marcela Correa S

Movie review

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) works in the department of photographic negatives of Life magazine. Their days are monotonous and boring, but thanks to the imagination to imaginary scenarios, full of action and heroism, away from their mundane reality. The one that brightens your daily routine is Cheryl (Kristen Wiig), a woman who has recently started working in the office.

The magazine, which will cease to be printed to become a publisher, is preparing its latest issue, while layoffs become commonplace. Responsibility for photography that will cover the final falls on Walter, who must deliver the negative number 25 that the renowned photographer Sean O'Connell (Sean Penn) was mailed to you.

However, the first 24 negative arrive well but particularly the number 25 disappeared from the package, Walter and his partner Hernando have to face the odious corporate transition manager Ted Hendricks (Adam Scott) who is conducting a downsizing. Using other negative as tracks, Walter follows that O'Connell is in Greenland, so he decides to travel up on the first plane to find it.

By Deiver Herrera


this movie takes place in Britain is a young man named Alex who is the leader of a band composed of three friends and call themselves Droogs, Alex did not like going to school then always looking for any excuse for their parents do not take. This group is dedicated to making this very violent crimes for preparing a beverage that left ready to commit their crimes his first act was to attack an old writer and beating him after robbing his group plan to enter a home of a woman who had many jewels but they choose to be in front of friends do not come home alone Alex does when the woman enters and hits the rope and begins to rape her but beyond before he entered the house and called the police he heard voices outside in then the sirens of police and his friends were outside and go run away while Alex was still attacking the lady and she's not letting himself hit it so hard that she is dying to enter the police grab him and take him there is sentenced to jail and given two options one was completing his sentence or subjected to an experiment which was very violent Essenes see accompanied by the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven's consent to this. and to leave the ed is a new person returns to the place where he lived and his family received no walking the streets is a person that had hurt him and begins to beat Alex could not defend because all pictures which he had seen him came to mind and I could not defend.

Be: Geraldine Hernandez




This is a Cuban guy, his name is Tony Montana. He arrives to Miami looking for the American dream, but in the way with his friend Manolo, they contact to a drug lord lieutenant to start making a criminal life.

He survive to a drug operation with some Colombians, and his friend Angelo die but he get the money and the drug, and this give to Frank winning his confidence, after killing a man in freedom town, a politician.

In some time he kills his ex boss, Frank, in retaliation; and in some months he marry the widow Elvira.

He makes a business deal with a Bolivian drug kingpin called Alejandro Sosa to buy a good price Kgs. of cocaine, saving in the bank a lot of money, about 10 million dollars per week but paying a high percentage to the bank.

His sister start a relationship with Manolo and one day they get married, but they do not advice to anyone, so when Tony look this he kill Manolo, and his sister was crazy and cried a lot.

The final is very good and this movie has a characteristically sentence: “say hello to my little friend”, a game for play station 2 was inspired in this movie, like what would happen if Tony survives to his death. For me is a five star movie and I can suggest this to any person.

BY: Christian Carrillo

                                         Hachi: A Dog's Tale

It is the history of a man that found a dog in the Street but the

man adopted the dog in his family. The man was teacher and

he catch the train everyday to the both hour then the dog get

at the station for found her own.

Hachi was released in Japan on August 8, 2009. In the US

the film was screened at the Seattle International Film Festival

on June 13 the same year. It premiered in the US on

December 18, 2009.

I like because is a best form for understand how much

affection there is between a person and a pet, I have a dog

and I love her much because is my friend and my best

fellowship, she is one member of family because there are
qualities seem to the people.




This history of gentleman his name is Lester. He had a “happy family”, although they were not very happy, each one of them developed the life for apart. Carolyn was the name of the wife of his and Jane the of his daughter. Lester decided to change his life when he lelt passion for Angela, she was the best friend of Jane his daughter, she was a student of secundary. Jane felt love for Ricki her new neighbour a Young a Little crazy he had the obsession of filming all that looks beautiful.

Jane thinks sending about Rick to kill her father, because she felt that Lester was a bad pather and never listened to her. Mr. Lester resignes from his post in the work and began to do excercise. Carolyn was a woman dedicated to the job and she cheated him, therefure this marriage was not happy, Ricky had a discution with his father and understand that Ricky was gay, his father can`t hold this idea and a night he killed a Lester. He had thought that Mr. Lester was the couple of her son.

OPINION: For my it`s a movie very interesting, appear with a really story and that it is a narrative good where the first had to see with the end. Everything in the life not is sad and bitterness, Mr Lester, Carolyn, jane and Ricky, they did not good things and the end when Lester and know that the problema salved talking with the indicate people in the knew that it would happen.



eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

A unique and poignant film that blends together several genres including love, romance and
surrealism, realism and elements of science fiction.
Joel Barish and Clementine Kruczynski have been in a turbulent relationship for two years. So
when Joel finds out that Clementine has had their relationship erased from her memory,
meaning she can no longer remember anything about him or their time together, he’s distraught.
Out of desperation and bitterness, Joel contacts the inventor of the process, Dr Howard
Mierzwiak to have the same treatment. As his memories of their relationship begin to fade,

Joel realises he still loves Clementine, and fights to keep them alive.

Resultado de imagen para eternal sunshine of the spotless mind synopsis

   The Shining

The movie is very interesting, because the actors as each scene is makes us feel that every that is seen, is feel as real. For my opinion it movie mirror that each scene or action of each one the member the form of dramatization is more interesting, now that each member take part of that way in each and every one of the scene isn´t easy… transmit the feeling of terror, amazed and the horror that the author and director of the movie want transmit to the public.
For many of the people this movie, is very shocking, because it shows how the dead speak to a child in view or also for sounds that do that the child walk to where come from the sound.
The movie are very interesting, I think that it shows a good demonstration of a well job, that is to say, the scenes the characters.

I think that the man characteristic is the form how is presented the scenes, I think that the views can happen to ever without restriction. In the movie the parts lack more reaction of the protagonist, because in this scenes the father or mother of the boy as not participating of the dramatization, haven´t astonished in where see the participle the boy in the horror.

Finally this movie shows, us a story whit dark events. The movie transmit us the characteristics felling and events of the other world.

BY: Leidy Rojas 

Earthquake: The failure of San Andrés

the earthquake happens in California, at all times there are seismic movements Earth is destroyed, the protagonist the pilot who rescues his ex-wife also tries to rescue his only daughter this movie is science fiction I liked by showing the survival, the love of a father for his daughter, his daughter is saved by his father.

By: Luz Florez 

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