

Is it right to detain arms at home 

It is really common to read on American newspaper people went crazy and killed all the family, or students (sometimes really young) that enter in a school and kill teacher or students. Personally I think that in America there is a big problem: the easy access to the guns market by the people and the no limit on them.
In USA for only 70$ is possible to take the license for buy guns, and for other 40$ you are able to bring them with you (in some states) and, generally, an one hand gun in America costs around 300$ and there is any limits on the number of the guns that you can collect at home (even if the first authorization has to be asked to the wife!) . This no limit brings people to collect also 7 or 8 guns at home, like a little private police station, and because the law is not strictly they can put these arms also under the bed.
Sometimes the people are not responsible and they leave the guns out from a lock place in the house and this could generate acts really dangerous; for example it is really common to read that the father went crazy after a quarrel with the wife and after he killed all the family in his folly murderous madness, and the sad thing is that sometimes the guys took them and came to the high school with the gun inside the bag and kill the people (students or teachers) just like into a videogames. Sometimes this people are identifying like mad and put them in special prison for madness, but why do not verify at beginning if the people is able or not to buy a gun? Why do not teach to the people the safety at first?.
In America there in no control on the mental condition of the people, there is any course for teach people the safety of the guns and how correctly use them, as like there is any law that impose to put in guns into a lock wardrobe and this is not good. Moreover there is no reason why a person should collect more than 1 gun at home. They say that is for protect the family and for do not be worried, but in a country evolved and rich the safety has to be in the police hand and not to a normal people, or we can say that they are living still in the "far west" period where the law was done by own hand.
But we are talking about America where the brutal crimes committed by guns is higher than in the other country but the same law is also in Canada, and the same problem is present also in other parts of the world. In the first 2 countries it is legalized, so anyone could buy directly to the shop but, in other place there is a strong black market that is out of control; for example in South Africa State is possible to buy a gun directly in the street for few money and usually people walk with it in the street as a normal way of life and is not forbidden to use it in case of defense.

I think that in a country well everything is working fine, anyone needs a gun for defend the family also because (in most of the countries in the world) if you shot the thief you are committing a crime and you could go to the prison (for example in Europe), and the only people that should go armed have to be the police that is paid for protect the people. The arm should be used only for hunt, even if I am contrary to this kind of hobby, but not for protect your family because you will never know what will happen in your mind one day and you could commit a crime that you will regret for all the rest of the life. 

BY: Yaneth Rosero 

Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre and Norway Terror.

This is one of the most horrible doings in the United States history, it was a normal day in Sandy Hook Elementary, a local school located in Newtown-Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staff membersPrior to driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived at the scene, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, this occurred on December 14-2012.
President Barack Obama gave a televised address on the day of the shootings, saying, "We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics. Obama expressed "enormous sympathy for families that are affected", He also ordered flags to be flown at half-staff at the White House and other U.S. federal government facilities worldwide in respect of the victims. On December 16, Obama traveled to Newtown where he met with victims' families and spoke at an interfaith vigil. President Obama honored the six slain adults posthumously with the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medal on February 15-2013.

The other fatal fact was in Norway on July 22-2011, it were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011. The attacks claimed a total of 77 lives. The first attack was a car bomb explosion in Oslo, the executive government quarter of Norway, the bomb was made from a mixture of fertilizer and fuel oil and placed in the back of a van. The van was placed in front of the office block housing the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and other government buildings. The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve of them seriously. The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp on the island of Utoya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party. A gunman dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification gained access to the island and subsequently opened fire at the participants, killing 68 of them, and injuring at least 110 people, 55 of them seriously; the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre. Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.

For us, These doings should be punished by a hard way to not happened again, violence doesn’t change nothing, also, should have more control in the cities about weapons sales, to prevent these things happen, the government of countries most settle their differences, the innocent people is the victim of these senseless conflicts.

By: Fernanda Jiménez-Duvan Sora- Christian Carrillo. 

Man kills his wife and children and commits suicide in Mountain

A resident of Mountain killed to shooting to his wife and three children, cabin fire that the family had and before he killed himself.
The incident occurred on Sunday morning in a cabin in the woods, 24 kilometers (15 miles) southeast of the town of Deer Lodge, said Police Chief Tim Barkell.
Barkel withheld the names of the victim and the aggressor as he warned of what happened to other family relatives.
Coroner Jerry Thomas said Monday The Associated Press that the children had one, four and five years old. The mother was 37 years old and the father, 59.
The assailant had called a friend in Deer Lodge around 10 am Sunday to say he was going to kill his family and commit suicide, Barkell said. The friend alerted the emergency number 911.
Authorities in the nearby town of Anaconda rushed to the scene but it took to find the family cabin, Barkell said.
Lourdes Franco

 Crimen Family Charles  Masson

The night of August 8, Manson gave specific orders to Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, and Patricia Krenwinkel. Such orders prayed: "go to the House where he lived Melcher and arrasad all, destroy any object or person that you fall there in the most terrible way you can".
That night, the Cielo Drive mansion was occupied by Sharon Tate, wife of the film director Roman Polanski, and a few friends with whom she celebrated a feast; the Hairstylist Jay Sebring, and aspiring writer Wojciech Frykowski, accompanied by his partner, Abigail Folger, a wealthy heiress. Sharon Tate was at the time pregnant 8 months. Her husband, Roman Polanski, had been weeks in London at the filming of a movie. Around midnight on August 9, attackers arrived at the property. TeX Watson is climbed a telephone pole near the entrance and cut the line. At that time, they sighted the headlights of a car coming from the mansion. Watson stopped the vehicle, driven by Steven Parent, an 18-year-old student. TeX threatened with a revolver to the young. This, frightened, requested not to do him harm, as I was not going to say anything. The attacker first attacked him with a knife and killed him with four shots of calibre.22 between chest and abdomen. After this first murder, the family members headed to the main entrance of the House.
Watson told Kasabian to follow the path of entrance, and entered the home through a window. Then opened the front door, facilitating access for Atkins and Krenwinkel.Ya on the inside of the door, a frightened Frykowski awoke on the couch in the living room, only to see how Tex Watson missed him over and faltering you a kick in the head. When Frykowski challenged you, Tex responded: "I am the devil, and I'm here to do the business of the demon". Meanwhile, Atkins and Krenwinkel found the other three occupants of the House. They tied together by a rope passed through the neck of both Tate and Sebring. Barber tried to defend Tate, tried to get the compassion of the assailants making observation about the advanced state of pregnancy of the actress. Went them on to say even that if had to shoot someone, that would be to him. Abigail Folger was momentarily taken to a separate room, with the intention of coercing it and subtract him as much money as possible. After this, Jay Sebring was stabbed by Watson on seven occasions. Watching lost, Frykowski got rid of the towel that had been tied and attempted to flee.
Despite the stabbing that Susan Atkins punching him in the legs, the terrified man kept running and reached the porch of the House. There caught him Watson, who hit his head several times with the butt of the gun, shot him multiple stab wounds, and finally topped him with two shots. Inside the mansion, Abigail Folger had escaped from Krenwinkel, fleeing towards the pool area. Your attacker pursued her, throwing her stabbing, and finally managed to reduce it in the front garden. There, the own Krenwinkel and, again, the own Tex Watson finished off the woman, killing her of 28 stab wounds. Killer warned then that his previous victim, Frykowski, still fighting for his life; Dying, trying to still escape crawling in the garden. TeX dealt a last barrage of stabbings, which finally ended with the life and suffering of the applicant to screenwriter. Multiple fractures in the head, shot twice and stabbed 51 had been necessary to finally extinguish the life of this man. In the 10050 Cielo Drive already only remained with life Sharon Tate, which remained tied by the neck to her deceased friend and former lover Jay Sebring. The latter, in addition to the seven initial stab wounds, had been topped by seven stab again, as well as four shots. At that time, Tate thought only already in trying to save the life of her unborn child. He asked his attackers that they take her hostage and to allow him to live long enough to see the birth of his son. Ignoring the pleas of the actress, Tex Watson and Susan Atkins rushed over it and delivering it 16 stab wounds, five of them, I would say the subsequent forensic examination, they had been in same, mortal needs. Tate died weeping and calling for his mother. 
By: Yessica Damian
   Paola Fonseca
Milena Gonzalez


Some girls who were great friends are planning a party at the home of Maddi, Fabiola and Naomi agreed to go to the party they decided to go shopping to bring food to the party as being in the supermarket saw a poster of the criminal then Naomi and Fabiola discussed what they saw then started joking matter ... Fabiola said if it is true .-- Then look at the criminal is loose ..
After making purchases went to the house of Maddi and being in the house greeted Maddi and began the party and then began to play the bottle.
Fabiola takes the conversation about the criminal Maddi heard fear entering play Maddi door up to open the door while still playing Naomi and Fabiola, meanwhile Maddi is attacked violently placing a handkerchief with alcohol on his face then. Fabiola and Naomi were amazed to see that Maddi never return. Fabiola says .-- looks Maddi did not come there to go see what happens. They got up and went to the door, astonished to see that it was not called the police.
In all this the police arrived, Fabiola and Naomi started looking for Maddi then called a detective, the detective started asking questions to the girls ...
The detective began searching throughout the house, when I get register through the door I find a scarf that smelled of alcohol, the detective was very surprised to meet with police. Knowing that the criminal is very intelligent because they were the only evidence the police and the detective was the scarf that he dropped the criminal.
Fabiola and Naomi very frightened by everything that happened was with Alexandra as she was at the time of the crime. Fabiola Naomi and Alexandra were to ask, but she saw that Naomi and Fabiola were going to ask Alexandra was nervous and did not want them to answer any questions and said he felt bad.
The detective and the police were agreed to go to the house to investigate Maddi. But they realized that the only clue we have is the scarf of the criminal. The police took the scarf an expert to see if they can find the traces of the criminal.
The detectives went to where the expert to see if criminal have found traces of the criminal if it was (Angel Joshua) which was sought, but was told that there was not mark on the scarf.
Resultado de imagen para el criminal misterioso  real 

 BY: Leidy Stephanie Estrada Vera.


once upon a time a there was a girl that has  a dream that become in true, to be a Quinn of her city he win the crown and when she was  crowned they wanted their crown for the money  get from IT  the man who was trafficker kill the  Quinn and they take the crown  the people was surprised about the situation then they carry her body  for a dark street the bad man were so terrible and she was leave in the street of the subway, and they cut her face the killers continue her race conscious about the bad situation  they were arrested and the day that occur this the notice was hovering in lowa in EEUU the horror start this night to the girls that want to be in  Quinn the year feels terrific the dark day is awful.

In the streets is normal the murder always happen in this night the money is the top of the evil the people are wondering the bad people reason to do this things to the people that is fighting for their dreams. Every year this happens and the girls are the most affected because they are   very happy with the fame and the needs would be solve and it is very worried and so dangerous for the expectators, the murder is in the memory of the friends and countrymen the nightmare for the victim is so It is a long time mass kill

Erika Arango Merchan

Starr faithfull "te girl from  the  sea "

70 summers ago, a beautiful young woman’s lifeless body washed up on the sugary sands of the Long Island beach town that I currently call home.   Her name was Starr Faithfull, and she was 25 years old.  What follows is what we know, and what we don’t know.
Long Beach, NY, is a small jewel of a city on a barrier island off Long Island’s South Shore.  It has wonderful restaurants, a state-of-the-art library, and a proudly diverse population.  Its cleanliness and proximity to New York City draw droves of tourists in the summer months, and even in the winter it bustles with activity.  There are flowers and trees everywhere you look. It’s the kind of place people dream about living in.  And people really come here for the miles of white sand and glittering waves.
70 years ago, things were slightly different.  Everything was new.  1920s Long Beach was just getting started as a fashionable beach community, with hundreds of Spanish Revival white stucco mansions and bungalows with red tile roofing, as required by the zoning code.  Grand lined the boardwalk, and every type of amusement from golf, to tennis, to horseback riding was available.  Prohibition was largely a joke here, and it was a flapper’s paradise.  Starr must have enjoyed it – as much as she was able to.
But to really understand Starr, we have to go back still further – almost 100 years – to 1917, when she was just 11.  Unfortunately, by all accounts, Starr’s parents frequently left her in the care of her middle-aged cousin Andrew Peters, then mayor of Boston.  He later became a congressman and was quite famous, even serving as Woodrow Wilson’s Assistant Secretary Of The Treasury.  He would have been infamous if anyone suspected what he was doing to his 11 year old cousin.  He was giving her ether to break down her resistance to his molestation of her.
Like many children in this situation, Starr became withdrawn and reclusive.  She even tried dressing like a boy to divert his interest.  This failed and the molestation continued for years.
Upon being caught in 1924, Peters paid Starr’s family hush money to protect his career, and they took it.  That was it for Starr.  She began going to speakeasies and taking cruises to Europe – sometimes not really planning them, but just showing up on board to bon voyage party and simply staying when the ship left.  She continued to abuse inhalants and barbiturates.
On May 29, 1931, a drunken Starr was forcibly removed from the Franconia, screaming “Kill me!” and “Throw me overboard!” .  On June 5, 1931, her family saw her for the last time, and had reason to suspect that she had sneaked aboard the Mauretania, which was bound for the Bahamas.
On June 8, 1931, her body washed ashore on Long Beach.  She was wearing a black and white summer dress from Lord & Taylor with nothing underneath, and her body was badly bruised.
There were several suicidal notes written by Starr, and one was to a doctor on whom she had a crush.  There was also a diary detailing Starr’s wild life, including assignations with 19 men and a veiled reference to her cousin.  The primitive toxicology reports showed her liver to be full of Veronal, a powerful barbiturate.  Although initially suspicious, Nassau County detectives were inclined to leave the case there.
But Starr’s stepfather accused the Nassau County DA of dragging his heels for political capital. Back then, this was more than plausible. He produced – too late – the $20,000 check from Andrew Peters and the 1927 agreement to hold Peters harmless for molesting Starr when she was 11.  He accused various political figures of having Starr murdered.
Peters had a nervous breakdown at his office in Boston.  The New York Daily News uncovered that Mr. Faithfull was nearly broke and had gone to Boston to getMORE MONEY from Peters a few days before Starr disappeared.   And the Nassau County Police Department held an inquest, which lasted 15 minutes and drew no conclusions.
We’ll never know what happened to this tragic young woman in her final moments.  But I hope she found peace.  When I’m out on the Atlantic at night and I see the lights of Long Beach come into view, I wonder which ship she was really on, who she was with, what her final thoughts were.  It’s easy to feel lonely at sea, even with so many people so close by.
leidy veloza
karen rios
Geraldine Hernandez

The killer O.J. Simpson was born in 1947 his youth was similar much youth American blacks become a great athlete football Americans in the university after nine year of success, winning and records retired in year 1979. He was one of the first athletes blacks in do a TV commercial also did two films the which on channels ABC. And NBC.
He divorced his wife and while living with a waitress of 18 years that named Nicole Brown married in 1985 and had two children, divorced en 1992.
The 12 of June found the bodies of Nicole Brown and his friend Ronald Goldman was found with stab wounds.
The double homicide was giving expressive turns until the gun sent to prosecution arrest the Mr. Simpson and formally accused of crime. The Mr. Simpson was declared a fugitive, the reading the note suicide.
The defense of Mr. Simpson was four prestigious lawyers who had several arguments which attempt convince the jury of the innocence of Mr. Simpson.

By : Luz Florez 

Murder of a pilot in Bogota by a gunman

The gunman, Jaime Humberto Montoya, the "Black Eagles" that was caught on video as a pilot murdered in Bogota, confessed his crime and revealed that he received 10 million pesos for the crime. RCN News received new recordings in which the murderer confessed the crime and celebrates the macabre operation.

It is very sad and unfortunate that in our country there are people like this, because without importales actions taken anything seriously injure or kill someone; in order to take their lives only for a single currency worthless compared to the value of a life. I think that these criminals should be punished with heavier penalties or might not let them out of jail but never because they leave there perhaps with more thirst to kill, on the other hand is sad to see for themselves the death of a person is a reason of celebration and not only that and see it as a hobby. Actually this is a danger to our society and I think the government should take other decisions according to this situation rather than invest so much money in war.

Crime in Colombia

Crime in Colombia is organized primarily by the distribution of drugs and arms by Colombia in the most unexpected way, in Colombia are very weak laws that are in charge of stopping the crimes that are committed for various reasons such as they are:
·        the money
·        the arms
·        drug trafficking
·        Power of territories
·        lack of authority
The solution I propose is that Congress try to make an amendment to the constitution to prevent crimes continue progressing and that violence stops for kids to grow up in a suitable environment for them.

Other option is that the police should deploy more resources and technologic to address the problems of violence in our country.

By Deiver Herrera



Crime in Colombia

Crime to develop different techniques because the laws are not sufficiently rigid it becomes this very fragile for breaks.the main problems are the lack of education in the most vulnerable areas such as people who do not have sufficient resources make crime the fastest out of the problems they face in their daily lives other problems are:- Decent job
-human Resources

the best solution to prevent violence grow is to strengthen the education of children who will develop the future and develop new techniques of work for people who have no study to promote economic development in the most vulnerable areas of the country.

Edlington Attempted Murders


Two brothers, aged 10 and 11, attacked two other children (around the same ages) in Edlington. The two victims were on a playground when the brothers (who were new to the area) lured them away. They were then punched and kicked several times, assaulted with bricks, sticks, and glass, and burned with cigarettes. One of the two victims was also sexually assaulted. When the two boys were found, they were initially assumed dead because of the severity of their injuries. The two brothers were arrested and they were quoted as saying they had stopped the assault only because their arms hurt.
The attack happened in April, 25 days after the brothers had been taken into care and placed with a foster family in the mining village of Edlington, South Yorkshire. 

Resultado de imagen para Edlington Attempted Murders


Crime Stories.

Once upon a time a there was a girl that has  a dream that become in true, to be a quin of her city he win the crown and when she was  crowned they wanted their crown for the money  get from IT  the man who was trafficker kill the  quin and they take the crown  the people was surprised about the situation then they carry her body  for a dark street the bad man were so terrible and she was leave in the street of the subway, and they cut her face the killers continue her race concient about the bad situation  they were arrested and the day that occur this the notice was hovering in lowa in EEUU the horror start this night to the girls that want to be in  quin the year feels terrific the dark day is awful.
In the streets is normal the murder always happen in this night the money is the top of the evil the people are wondering the bad people reason to do this things to the people that is fighting for their dreams. Every year this happens and the girls are the most affected because they are   very happy with the fame and the needs would be solve and it is very worried and so dangerous for the expectorators, the murder is in the memory of the friends and countrymen the nightmare for the victim is so It is a long time mass kill.

BY: Leidy Rojas


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