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What is Oculus Rift?

The Oculus Rift is a head-mounted virtual-reality display. An immersive headset that gives the wearer a full 360-degree view of the virtual world they inhabit. The Oculus Rift pairs with headphones to make games, virtual worlds and live events feel 'real'. 
It is being developed by Oculus VR, a startup that has raised $16 million of funding. A measure of the buzz generated by Oculus Rift can be gleaned from the fact that Facebook recently purchased Oculus Rift for $2bn. A developer version of Oculus Rift is out now, with a second-gen developer kit shipping this month, but excitement is building for a general launch to the public. (More details: Supercharged second-gen Oculus Rift developer kit revealed, open for preorders.)
Here's The Final Oculus Rift, Coming In Early 2016
Here's The Final Oculus Rift, Coming In Early 2016

Oculus Rift: specs and features

We now know that the final consumer model of the Oculus Rift will feature custom optics and display. The firm said it will have two OLED screens with low latency so there will be no blur or visable pixels. A new constellation tracking system will improve the experience as will integrated VR audio (you can use your own headset too). Oculus said the Rift is fabric-coated and has a new lighter and more egonomic design meaning you can put it on easier and it will be more comfortable to wear than previous versions. The headset will allow you to adjust the lenses to suit your eyes since we all have a small difference in the distance between them.
Oculus Home is a VR portal, bringing all your games into one place. You land in Oculus Home as soon as you put on the Rift and you can check out your own games or see what others are playing, with a preview of a game before you buy it. A 2D version of Oculus Home also lets you manage games from your PC.
Here's The Final Oculus Rift, Coming In Early 2016

Oculus Rift Xbox One and Windows 10 compatibility

There's more Xbox related news as you'll be able to stream games from the console to the Oculus Rift. That sounds like big news but you'll play games in a virtual theatre which is a little like sitting in someone else’s lounge rather than your own. Maybe a good thing if you have a really small room and want a sense of more space.
Oculus also confirmed that the Rift will work natively with Windows 10.

The Technology in our liVES

It is used to hear a lot of time "without technology we will be death", but is it true?
Actually, comparing the life 50 years old and nowadays we can certainly say that the improvements of the technology bring to the humanity a lot of benefits and certainly a better life; just think about the robots used into the companies that helps the human work, and sometimes totally replace the operator, or, for example, a "simple" Smartphone that could be compared to a notebook for its powerful. But the benefits are not only done behind a working point of view but also behind a relationship one too, for example it is really easy to talk with people in the other side of the earth in any moment just texting on internet or maybe try to find out a work in another country even if we are not exactly in that city in that moment.
Of course, looking the technology behind this point of view is really hard to figured out the bad sides that it is bringing in a really subliminal way in our life. Today the people are really addicted on the extreme use of the technology and sometimes they completely set the center of their life only on it. The people are losing the direct contact with others and sometimes are really easy to find guys really young that instead to play social games with each other, or maybe start a conversation just to know different people, prefer to play on their mobile in the park or on the train. Or for example people that are saving all their money just for buy the last object sponsorised by the television on the follow the fashion (just think about what every year will happen on NY city when the Apple is publishing the new device).
Sometimes is really funny to find people that are able to do something only with the use of the technology and without they became completely stupid: they are not able to do simple math by hand, not able to wash clothes without the washing machine, or simple activities that for someone are not so "normal routine".

Moreover the improvements of the machine used in the factories are decreasing the human resources because what 50 years old was done by 7 people, nowadays a machine well programmed could do the same stuff, faster and precise asking the operation of only 1 man. Actually, the operators are people well trained and figure of the "simple worker" is going to disappear more and more; this problem will bring in the future a big unemployment and the necessity to study more for obtain a job that sometimes do not necessary require a big title. This problem was just analyzed by the China, Netherland and Sweden government, and they decided to reduce the robots used in the companies and force them to assume more people for obtain the same work. At the opposite side the Netherland and Sweden government understood that the technology could be seen like an opportunity to work less and have more free time to spend with the family and friends, in fact they impose by the law to work less and actually they are the only country in the UE that done this kind of laws. The result is that the people are working more efficiently and produce more, even if they are working less hours, moreover they are more relaxed and the economy of both countries is increased, also because they have more time to spend outside. I think that in this moment we have a great power in our hands, but we are not able to use it properly. We should to learn when and how to use it, and when it is better to turn off all our device and just go out to have a nice time with other people and life our life, like Einstein said "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.

By: Yaneth Rosero

Gay adoption in colombia

Colombia's constitutional court ruled on Wednesday to keep the current limits on same-sex adoption.The court said that same-sex couples could only adopt a child if it was the offspring of one of the partners.Discussion about whether to lift the current restrictions had dominated social media in the hours before the ruling.It comes almost two years after the country's Congress voted against allowing gay marriages.Colombian media said the ruling showed great wisdom, arguing that it took the middle road between allowing same-sex couples to freely adopt children and banning same-sex adoption outright.But lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups expressed their disappointment, saying the ruling did not go far enough. Senator Armando Benedetti, a supporter of LGBT rights, called the judges "cowards". The president of Colombia's Conference of Bishops, the Right Reverend Monsignor Luis Augusto Castro Quiroga, said he would continue fighting for "the right of children to have a father and a mother".
"Two mums don't make a dad," he said.
The decision by the court does not prevent Congress from legislating on the issue in the future. In fact, the court suggested Congress should debate the "legislative vacuum" LGBT couples face in Colombia.
  I do not agree with the gay adoption, because I think that a child should grow up in the company of two opposing genres as it would be a father and a mother, and not two men or two women who want to play that role, as we know the boy who is going to believe this group will create a stigma on its head and if will actually grow happy.
By Milena Gonzalez



Yessica Yulisa Damian Herrera 

                              ADOLESCENT ANOREXIA: eating disorder

Adolescence to be a stage between 12-15 years old, an age where dietary and nutritional requirements are necessary because it is a period of changes in the size distribution of fat, and sexual development. It is at this time when they begin to stand eating disorders that usually these are induced by fashion, social trends, internal demands / external and often a mixture resulting in that anorexia is major eating disorders in this period of the life.

The search of thinness is for them the center of his life. Of course, in establishing this goal thinness as an obsession, they are excluded principles and ways of life things that are really important and which we should fight. This extreme thinking leads to a very rigid discipline in diet, whose success gives meaning to their lives and personalities.

Although women are the most affected by psychological and emotional disorder at a rate of up to 95%, men can also have this disorder, since the presence of eating disorders nowadays has become a social problem.

 This really is a disease that should be important in the study of our professional training, as statistics show a large number of cases from the primary level. In reviewing these reports we realize that the more time passes, increased cases of anorexia in a huge and this affects a large part of the youth population.

Causing great concern to know that young people are the most affected, as this causes deterioration of his health, which in many cases do not allow them to live a healthy lifestyle in adulthood and less in old age, since the consequences of this type of disease damage their welfare, health and quality of life at that time and through the years.

There are teenagers who do not live like the others, they live prisoners something we often call "friend", which can be called a more accurately as anorexia nervosa, in conclusion, anorexia and bulimia are diseases that they have spread everywhere.

It should be considered a social problem and health.

BY: Leidy Stephanie Estrada Vera

houses held by ghosts

The cities of York and Derby, in England, also have a reputation for being a center ofghostly manifestations. For this reason, both thrive commercially exploiting their"ghost tours". The presence of many very old buildings has given England thereputation of being a "country inhabited by ghosts".

Many visitors have recognized a "Brown Lady" in Raynham Hall, while the CommanderLoftus and his famous friend Hawkins in 1849 saw the ghost of a woman with holloweyes, before bedtimeThe incident gave rise to several detectives and local policeinvestigate the apparitions of Raynham Hill stairs.

The belief that it is frequented by ghosts is also reported in the town of Biggin(London, England). Many people believe it is because it was one of the active air basesduring the second world war. It is also said that the White House (Washington) isregularly visited by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, while the ghost of the Romanemperor Caligula inhabits the gardens of Lamian, in Rome, where it was cast his bodyafter being killed.

The former prison that operated on the island of Alcatraz, on the coast of SanFrancisco, has been described as the 'housing' of countless spirits, belonging toprisoners died there. Ohio City is also one of the Favorites for the survival of ghosts,especially the campus of Ohio University.

The ghosts of New Orlèans include pirates killed during the 18th centurywhileCharleston, in South Carolina, has more than three centuries of history registeredunder the pavement of the current streets: bodies of pirates, revolutionary heroes whodied in the war and soldiers of the American civil war

by: leidy veloza

Acid throwing in Colombia

Acid throwing is a violent aggression, defined as the act of throwing acid to someone else body or face with the cruel intension of mutilate, torture, deface or murder. The most common types of acids are sulfuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid; the aggressors use to throw the acid directly to the face of the victims causing several injuries in the skin and bones, usually some victims get traumatized psychologically for the rest of their lives.

Here in Colombia we can clearly observe a dangerous increasing with acid throwing attacks in the last few years, with a trend from men to women between the age range of 13 and 41 years old. According to the “Instituto de Medicina Legal” 56 women’s where attacked in 2010, 46 in 2011 and 80 in 2012. Almost 1000 person´s have been attacked with acid in the country.

In 2013 the numbers decreased, reporting 35 attacks but even with that number Colombia is positioned as one the countries with the highest levels with acid throwing attacks in the world. registered that in 2011 only two men’s were condemned for attacking their couples with acid.

 by :fernanda jimenez

Legalization of Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana is created as a measure to stop trafficking and violence in cities.
although many people is not agree with this decision, the goverment  is seriously considering the legalization of marijuana , the first idea is to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, but there have been discussions regarding the alternatives for those who are caught using or possessing, not only marijuana but also cocaine and methamphetamines. In the United States we are improving the public health system . In the coming years we will have more treatment centers and while we are reviewing , state and federal level , sentences and terms of imprisonment.

If Colombia chose to legalize marijuana, could Colombia use those profits to strengthen their economy?

Colombia want to export the marijuana to other countries.

Is there peace after to the legalization?

Marijuana in Colombia is not associated with violence violence and marijuana use does not cause violence. The question is how the legalization of marijuana influence drug trafficking and the violence of the drug trade.  

The mafias have many offers , for example , cocaine, methamphetamine , marijuana. People used to traffic ( mules ) and extortion. So if Colombia fully legalize marijuana, drug cartels would lose part of their income , but still have much to work with , because they have many other types of drugs.                                                                                                                           By: Duvan Sora.


As everyone know the drugs has been in our life and society during years, but each time are more well-known.
The consumption of drugs in the young has increased a 65% and every day increased more and more. This is some that nobody can take out of our lives.
Imagine you!, If Colombia were to legalize marihuana , there will be no right to claim any so if today is not done , if legalizing less. Besides drug addiction is the worst that can exist, it finishes with the life of each young consumer, with theirs family, theirs homes, theirs relationships, in many cases already they do not important theirs sons, nor nothing, until the total loss carried to the street.
All this can do drugs!!!!


The use of medicinal plants in all cultures since ancient times. Its use in infusion, decoction or mashing, respond to more primitive methods, and it does not make it any less important, covering a variety of functions.
The same happens in other sciences that are regaining booming like ancient Chinese acupuncture for example. Homeopathy in the west; for this reason man is integrating knowledge for prolonging their mental and physical health through plants, shrubs, trees and fruits that nature gives us.
The importance of plants for health and good living man is more evident every day; for this reason is that science in general and medical science in particular are being taken seriously studying the applications  give to these in the fight against the disease.
Then, in a simple way, but seriously; those secrets and miracles that has long been preserved, either by popular tradition or discoveries about the healing properties of plants.
We will mention an example: Cedrón

Internal use
Flatulence: it is very helpful to expel gases from the digestive tract, avoiding flatulence.
Stomach: digestive aids in weak or nervous stomachs. It has a stomachs, digestive and tranquilizing tonic function.
Bad Breath: it is very useful for rinsing. Do it with an infusion of a tablespoon of dried leaves and flowers per cup of water.


Colombian Educational System

In Colombia education is defined as a process of lifelong learning, cultural and social personnel is based on a comprehensive conception of the human person, his dignity, his rights and dotéis.
The Colombian education system is made up: early childhood education, preschool education, the (primary and secondary four degrees five degrees) basic education, secondary education, and higher education (two degrees and ends with a bachelor's degree.).”

This is speech that president and all the politicians give to the town for the people vote for their  political Campaigns but they never carry out them promise.

The education in colombian is very poor because the people don´t have money to paid the education of their offspring.

By:  Deiver Herrera 


Six simultaneous attacks hit the French capital on Friday November 13. At least 120 people died. Seven of the eight attackers died exploding explosive belts.
The first three explosions sounded in the Saint-Denis stadium, during a friendly between the teams of Germany and France. The three bombers detonated explosive belts.
The Bataclan Theater, where a group of American rock appeared, was attacked by terrorists who fired into the crowd. Four attackers were killed by activating explosives and one more during the assault to police.
Five other common places affected, but not sure a and a statistical dead: rue de la Fontaine au Roi (5 dead); rue Bichat (12 deaths); Boulevard Voltaire (one dead, the terrorist); rue de Charonne (19 deaths).
Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency throughout France and closed the border. The French president then travels to Bataclan theater and from there said that "no mercy" to terrorists.

 Opinion: it seems very bad since they are attacking innocent people who are not guilty of what the government decides hopefully everything will improve and that our country will never pass a catastrophe like this.

Be: Geraldine Hernandez


Maybe sometime you think the scooter bike is a good option for buy if you live in Colombia. This is a good thought because it exists a lot of means of transport options, but the scooter is the best qualified to use in a city like Bogotá. In this article, you will find a lot of characteristics and comparisons with other bikes about price, motorcycle spare parts, maintenance costs and other characteristics of main sell scooter bikes in Colombia like kymco agility, yamaha fino, suzuki burgman, Yamaha bws, Piaggio vespa, Akt dynamic, Honda elite and others. “Colombia is a market where it sells yearly 500.000 motorbikes, and we expect at 2020 the sells increase to 1 million, because the opportunities here are higher”. (El Paí, 2015)
One of the highest characteristic is the scooter price, it is around 4 and 7 millions, and it is a low price comparing it with other bikes like ninja or enduro kind, another characteristic is its low maintenance cost, because it has a low fuel consume and is four times, that mean its oil use is renewable so you do not have to spend a lot in expensive oil tins every month like in a two times bike. The most scooters in Colombia has a lower cylinder capacity, in Colombia that mean if your bike is same or under of 125 cubic centimeters of cylinder capacity, you do not pay taxes and you save that money, only paying the mandatory all risk insurance (SOAT) and a techno-mechanic inspection in a specialized diagnostic authorized center once per year.
This in an automatic bike, so you do not have to change the gears, just accelerate and brake and that is good if you are in a traffic jam like the everyday in Bogotá’s streets but you have to be careful when you are learning to drive in one of this kind of bikes because you think it is easy and maybe you crash with some vehicle or you fall down if you are turn around in some corner street or in the avenue. The bikes are a high risk transportation form because you can drive very good but someone in a car can crash with a bike and the biker suffers too much and it is one of the most accidentally reason in the country, “In 2012, from 570 mortal cases in every city per that accident rate, in 170 (30 per cent) it involved that vehicles.”(El tiempo, 2015)
Its top speed is not higher but its acceleration is very good because you do not waste time changing years, its spare parts cost depends on the trademark of the bike, for example if you buy a Yamaha bws its maintenance is higher than an AKT scooter bike but the quality of the last one is not good, a BMW is more expensive than Yamaha or Honda and its spare parts cost is higher than all the other bikes commercialized in the country, but a kymco price is lower than the rest and its spare parts cost too  keeping a high quality. In the past the people thought about the scooter is only a bike for women but actually a lot of men use a scooter in the cities of Colombia, mainly the Yamaha bws because exist a Yamaha fino designed for women only.
In general the bikes are one easy way to transport if you take precautions but the most important thing is: you can’t mix alcohol with fuel or best, alcohol with wheels because you can not only end your life, you can finish the life of other people in the streets like family parents, kids or maybe you can finish in prison or hospital in wheel chair, so be careful and decide very good what kind of bike do you going to buy, or maybe think if you prefer a car because you have a big family or you travel a lot. To finish the article have in mind all security recommendations and never be sure in the street, drive slowly because you never know when person or animal appears in the street or maybe some car brake in front of you because the driver see a hole.    

BY: Christian Carrillo 

                                                               What is Music?

¨music in the traditional definition of the term, the art of sensible and 
logically organize a coherent mix of sounds and silences using 
fundamental principles of melody, harmony and rhythm, through the 
intervention of complex pescó-mental processes. The concept of music 
has evolved from its origins in ancient Greece, where he met 
regardless of poetry, music and dance as art unit. For decades it has 
become more complex definition of what is and what is not music, as 
distinguished composers in the framework of various artistic 
experiences border, have made works that although could be 
considered music, expanding the limits the definition of art.¨
For my the music is the sensation of the momento in the that be our for 
example when there are sad, mad, happiness between emotions.
I used the music as solution to the bore and another problems that can 
happen in our life.
For my the music is the kind for the live  because its serves for inspire 
love to whom more like me

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
by: Karen Julieth Rios
Love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that  from interpersonal affection ("I love my mother") to pleasure ("I loved that meal"). It  refer to an emotion of a strong attraction. It can  be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another". also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.
love is considered as a combination of attitude, this are manifested between people, that have the ability ti develop emotional intelligence, the three components of love:THE INTIMACY: those feeling that promotesreconciliation.
PASSION./AGREEMENT."In a kiss, you'll know everything I keptsilence."Pablo Neruda

:) :)  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

The bullying
The bullying is any way of psychological, verbal or physical abuse or by electronic means against a child or adolescent by a student

This is a problem very common that has long been present in schools but in most cases silently ago. Now, it has begun to get more attention because of its importance and gravity, and it was found that requires interest, intervention and prevention by the state, the family, schools and society in general. In these times of verbal and physical attacks that occur in children and adolescents in school. They happen every minute and many people have been affected by these developments in the school every day is most common and to many people will can become normal but they aren’t know the consequences of bullying, so it does not seem so bad at first glance, can be dire. If these situations do not stop in time, the children who suffer may start having problems with depression, low academic achievement, low self-esteem and may even develop very violent and self-injurious behavior. It is so serious that many victims have come to commit suicide because of bullying.
Colombia is one of the countries with the highest numbers of 'bullying', schools are working on projects and strategies to reduce these figures.


A hunch is trying to say something. is a feeling that many people think that we are given so sincere and real; but what we do not detail is the fact that not all people are willing to love, to feel , and to demonstrate sincerity. Just give us a face of what they are, catch us with a facade, but when we got to deliver, that's where everyone is shown , filling pain , bitterness, disappointment and with the certainty that you can´t reach all trust .
In women there is a saying that is: - "Women have a sixth sense," they do not know is that when a woman come to love the truth that sixth sense, fades and comment the mistake of not leave on our brain or that sixth sense that warns us that there are men who are not sheep who claim to be and we must be careful and especially to value.
The women fear that their partner subjected lose that confidence as a woman we are known, to reach a certain situation to be with the couple and the man makes total control of security, confidence and self-esteem of women, makes the action that women are to blame for having lost everything either physical charm, sentimental and especially respect for themselves leaving aside the great blessing that God gave them and because they are women.
Many of these men have these behaviors by trauma or teachings that left him in childhood; it has been by parents or school.
 Men are like magicians, hidden under his cloak a trick, which make women remain hypnotized by false charms of them, evil tricks that make women fall into the "lion's den".
In other cases, we can show that many women come into the hands of unscrupulous men for acts of kidnapping or rape, in which women fall through the social networking sites, girls of which you are trapped in them by the fact that they speak nice things, I promise you the world and are even Sonic to tell them: - "the value and respect that are the flowers and roses that God gave the world to give life to them." Traps of every woman is exposed to happen because we are women who dream of a life of love, like a fairy tale. But be aware that there are women who are radical move away from these men, men of which only seek to be macho, proud, unfriendly and mostly men who had no mother, because if they had they not valued, since the men it has assessed, valued and respected his mother; likewise will come to value and respect the wife, mother of his children.

The mistake many women is hearing the word "change will give me time and change both the family" a simple words that are in the air and are not actuated by telling change.

BY: Leidy Rojas 


Currently the insecurity problems have increased in concern quantities. Starting for the intolerance presented in high schools
And the fear to the difference. Many young people have died because of this problem and a lot of hurt has been caused too. The question is ¿when live began being that important? This question can be resolved when we think about how now people take live as a game as a funny theme as something with no importance.
We have to think about how an insecure person is created by other, and how familiar and personal problems can have repercussions in the life of one person.

Now is time to leave making fun with the others problems and try to get back all the things that we have lost in the way. Accepting the differences living with others how we really like to do it and trying to give new motives to keep living as us without hurt anyone. 

By: John Gordillo.

Free topic

Plastic surgeries in Colombia: nowadays people want to change their physical appearance which is noncompliant. Other people see as a solution to their product Burns malformations, all surgery has its risks and more when it is to remove or improve a physical part of your body, many people have died or have been left with any sequel to the has debasement these surgeries. People should look and inquire about the places where all kinds of plastic surgeries that meet all the requirements, having control and legalization.
Resultado de imagen para caso de cirugias plasticas


By: Luz florez 

1 comentario:


    the parents are the core of the family constitute the bulk of the life of small changes in the sense of belonging for them and they notice your life doing something tragic split leaving age with other third parties who would harm
    Consistent with their lives for their sakes that the core and life rather than as individual human beings only Child abuse does not evolve steadily child abuse is a serious offense and is paid with jail although they suffer not only Colombia but abuse is a failing which is often little or penalized is passed by sometimes high

    Child abuse: abuse is leading to a response to an attack by an adult to a child provides a lost or cecuela , which seriously affects the child
    the job of parents is to pick up the signals they receive from children many times they don´t believe in them and that believe it is difficult to put I take care of too many things we forget the small target of psychologists is to help control of things that they do many have difficulty learning other relationships are difficult and others find it difficult to talk to their parents happens , however replenished very easily with very little handles inadequate and unclear language and also handles situations complex . Some indicators that l child has this disease are:
    - Irritability
    - Constant feeling that it is not wanted
    - Hostility and
    Erika arango
